Welcome to Class 17!
We are Year 5 children in Class 17 and we always strive to be the best that we can be.
In our class, there are 26 children and our teacher is Mrs Marsden. Mr Binney will be covering class for PPA this year. Mrs Bailey will be the Teaching Assistant in class.
We love hearing from the parents and carers of our children in Class 17. If you wish to contact us, please either catch us at the beginning or end of the day to make an appointment, phone the school office to make an appointment or you can email us.
Thank you for your continued support, Mrs Marsden
Please try to bring your PE kit into school on a Monday. We expect children to bring their PE kits in a drawstring bag and remember to take them home regularly. One of our PE lessons will take place on a Thursday.
Homework is given out every Friday and is expected back the following Friday. For this term, we will only be sending Maths homework but that doesn’t mean that you can’t do extra English homework. Children are also given weekly spellings every Friday and will be tested the following Friday. Parents, you can now see how your child does in the weekly spellings as they will be tested in their Reading Planner.
Reading Planners will be checked on a Friday but should be in school every day for us to write in them when we have read with your child. Children who read three times a week will be rewarded with a ‘reading token’ which will be added to the class total and a ‘Golden Ticket’. If your child reads 5 times a week, additional tokens and Golden Tickets will be given. We are set a target for the number of reading tokens that we earn each half term and, if we meet it, the whole class get to enjoy a special reward. The Reading Reward is decided by the class.
Curriculum Booklets
Useful Resources and Games
We are always aiming to strengthen the skills we learn at school and there is no where better to do it than at home. Dive into some of the links below and let the children show you just how amazing they are!