We have a compulsory dress code at school. The Governors, staff and parents almost unanimously voted to have a clear uniform for this school, partly in preparation for the next school the children will attend, but mostly because it is seen by all as a mark of being part of this community, with all the things that means – our ethos, our rules, our sharing, our looking out for each other, our constant striving to do our best.
Uniform can be ordered from Pinders through their website. You can also order uniform with logos on at Pinders Schoolwear in Rotherham. Alternatively, you can buy any school uniform without logo from any other supplier including all major supermarkets.
Please make sure you put your child’s name in their clothes as they all look the same!
School Uniform:
- Red sweatshirt, pullover, cardigan or fleece. This can be one bearing our Primary School logo, these can be bought from Pinders near the bus station in Rotherham, or from their website.
- If you choose not to have a logo item for your child, please note that the sweatshirt, pullover, cardigan or fleece must be plain red, carrying no other logo whatsoever.
- Shirts or blouses worn in school are white or red polo style, with a collar.
- Black or grey tailored trousers, pinafores or skirts
- Shoes must be plain black in line with expectations at local secondary schools. White or coloured soles are not acceptable.
Summer Term Uniform:
- Plain black or grey shorts of an appropriate length.
- The top should be polo, collared shirt or blouse styled as it is for the rest of the year.
- Pupils may also wear ‘school uniform’ cotton dresses in red and white.
- Please ensure that your child has a hat to wear outside in sunny weather.
PE Kit:
For PE we expect children to wear black shorts and white T-shirt. For outdoor games, sports trainers and black jogging bottoms/ track suit top or similar is required in KS1 and KS2 but not in FS. Football shirts or kits are not acceptable. We take pupils out whenever possible, these must be available at all times. Children are not allowed to wear their school shoes for PE and must bring an alternative pair, even if the shoes are a ‘trainer’ style. Pupils with long hair are expected to fasten it back for health and safety purposes. Hair bobbles should be provided from home.
Children are expected to bring to school their PE kit on Monday and leave it until Friday. PE sessions can take place on any day of the week. Children are not allowed to share or borrow kit, as this is unhygienic.

Examples of Items That Are Against The Uniform Code
The list below contains examples of attire that go against the Academy uniform code and must not be worn. This list is not exhaustive:
- Hoodies
- Leggings/trousers of a tight fitting style are not permitted
- Bandanas of any colour
- Training shoes, sandals, flip flops, canvas, plimsolls, ballet style shoes, high heeled shoes or boots.
- Shoe laces other than black.
Please do not allow your child to wear jewellery or fashion items, like belts, to school. We accept one watch, preferably inexpensive. Headbands and hair accessories can be worn however we do ask that they are appropriate for school (unicorn horns, cat ears & large bows etc do not conform to our uniform policy) Children can also wear a maximum of one small stud earring only in each ear. If your child wears earrings, they are the sole responsibility of your child. They must be removed for PE. If your child is unable to remove them alone, it would be far better if the earrings remained at home. If it is not yet possible to remove earrings, they must be covered completely with tape brought from home. This is also the responsibility of your child – staff cannot help children put on or remove tape from ears. No other piercings are allowed at all.